Machine Injuries

If you, a family member, loved one or friend has been injured due to the fault of someone else, contact our attorneys:

A special category of personal injury is caused by machines. This can happen to an employee at work or to a consumer using a product, such as a lawn mower.

Manufacturers, Distributors, and Sellers of Machines

While Massachusetts law does not allow an employee to sue an employer for personal injury when injured by a machine at work, the manufacturer, distributor, or seller can be responsible for the injury. If the machine or product is defective or dangerous, it is important to contact one of our attorneys. You may be entitled to compensation, and your case can also help pursuade manufacturers and distributors of such products to ensure that their products are safe.

Inadequate Instructions or Warnings

Inadequate instructions for use and inadequate warnings about the dangers of a machine are two ways to show that use of the machine created a danger for which the manufacturer, distributor, or seller should be held accountable. Our attorneys will make sure that experts examine the machine or product to determine whether it meets industry standards, whether instructions are clear and warnings and precautions are outlined, and whether use of the machine constitutes a danger.

Massachusetts Product Liablity Law

Our attorneys have extensive experience handling these personal injury cases, and we understand Massachusetts law regarding product liability. Entire machines and products that have been recalled may still be in use in people’s home and in workplaces, constituting a real danger to consumers and workers. Additionally, some products and machines may contain parts that have been proven defective and recalled. Our attorneys can look at your situation and determine whether product liability is a factor, as well as determine an approximate value for damages and a strategy to fight for the best possible outcome for you.

  • For instance, a client was injured when inserting his finger into a machine to clear a jam. The machine had a sign warning users not to insert their hands into the machine. Despite that warning, we were successful in showing the machine was dangerous and our client obtained a substantial settlement.

Contact our office today.