In a two-year battle over the inheritance of two brothers and a sister, a probate judge recently ruled in favor of KCL’s client, the sister.
More than two decades ago, the parents created an irrevocable trust in their estate plan. The trust held more than $1 million and was to be divided equally between their three children. After the parents passed away, the two brothers sued their sister for her third of the trust claiming she received other properties that should offset the trust.
In a matter of summary judgment, the judge found that the brothers’ claims were unsupported and the sister was entitled to her share of the trust.
Attorney E. Steven Coren represented the sister in this case. Steve has 40 years of experience representing clients in probate litigation, divorce and family law issues, and personal injury cases. He is an approved mediator for the Middlesex and Norfolk Probate and Family Courts where he is appointed to mediate divorce actions and probate disputes.
Steve can be reached at 781-997-1561 or